
Catfish Information And The Secrets To Noodling

Catfish is a diverse group of fish that contain a wide variety of different species. Catfish species live in freshwater and are found all over the world, on every continent except for Antarctica. There are also a few catfish species that live in saltwater. Most catfish are small in size, about ten to fifteen pounds, and are easily manageable. But some catfish can grow to be very large and old, giving anglers a tough fight.A catfish can be recognized by its prominent barbells. The barbells are elongated tactile organs that are located close to the mouth, and are very similar to the whiskers on a cat. Just like a cat's whiskers, the barbells are used to screen the environment and heighten the animal's awareness of its surroundings. Unlike cat whiskers, catfish barbells are equipped with taste buds that they use to catch fish in dark and cloudy waters when there is low visibility. Catfish also have a hollow leading ray on their dorsal and pectoral fins. This leading ray is very strong, and the catfish can use it to excrete a potent protein when it becomes frightened or annoyed. This protein stings, some catfish species have a protein that is strong enough to injure a human. A person that has received a sting from one of these species may require hospital care. One catfish species, the Electric Catfish, are without this hollow leading ray and incapable of protein attacks. Instead, Electric Catfish are capable of sending out a severe electric shock of up to 350 volts. If you want to try a different way to catch catfish and you are up for a challenge, leave your rod and reel behind and go noodling. Once used by Native Americans, noodling caught on as a fishing technique during the Depression, and later became a sport. The first part of noodling involves spotting the areas where catfish are bound to be present, such as submerged shallow logs, rocks, and other surface features. Noodling is generally done in water shallow enough for easy wading. A noodler will also have a team of spotters with them to help. Once a prospective catfish hiding spot is located, a stick is inserted into the hole to make sure that the inhabitant is a catfish, and not a snake or a turtle. The noodler will wholesale video games then put a hand inside the hole essentially, using their hand as bait. Being threatened, the catfish will attack and bite the hand. When it bites, it holds on to the hand, allowing the noodler to pull it out. Once the noodler gets the fish out of the water, the spotters immediately remove the fish from the noodler’s hand and throw it into an accompanying boat. It wholesale wii console is the spotters’ job to help the noodler in case the fish is too heavy or the fish starts to pull the noodler into the water. Catfish can grow very large goggles Carbon Pane and are capable of drowning a human in this way -- making the sport of noodling thrilling for some.

